Thursday, December 3, 2015

This is Sonya

Do you enjoy yarn hanks? Take a peek at my first adventure with them:
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links

Ok, maybe that's not EXACTLY how it went...but it sure felt pretty close! 

Do you like hanks? Let me know in the comments!

Thank you so much for stopping by! 

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© 2015 Sonya Blackstone. Photos and story line are the intellectual property of Sonya Blackstone. Please do not copy, sell, or modify this comic strip. Please do share the link to where the comic strip can be found.  
All Rights Reserved.


  1. LOL Too cute!! I've never used hanks before... now I'm afraid... :) Denise Starcher

  2. I like yarn so.... You need a swift if you have hanks. It's pretty mandatory ;)

  3. You need a SWIFT!!! I use 2 kitchen table chairs with the backs angled as a swift, but then I have to lead the yarn off the 'swift' so it does not tangle, and toward the end it is a pile on my floor...maybe Santa will bring me a swift for Xmas!!

  4. Also, a friend/hubby's arms or they tiny people's arms can be a good swift...

  5. I do bc I have a swift! Lol oh make handspun hanks too ;)

  6. hahahaha I had no idea what this was at first!
    You just made my day!
    If I could get my hands on some of the yarn I've been seeing lately I wouldn't care hank or not.

  7. II have used hanks and haven't had a problem. I don't own a "swift" whatever that may I do have someone who will hold it for me while I wind it off their hands! Thanks for the laugh! Patricia B

  8. A swift makes it much easier - and I don't have to wait til someone's home. Hubby not fully cooperative to do that - so he bought me a swift
    They are not expensive - and you consider it an investment in your craft! I swift and a good winder make the job so very much easier.

  9. I have had hanks that I had success with and I have thrown away one expensive one (which of course I regret). I find I have to be in the mood because it can be tedious work. If I get aggravated, :"the mood" left me and it's time to set it aside for another time. Overall, I better really love the yarn to choose to buy it in a hank again.

  10. LOL! Hanks are kind of a pain. Every now and then I'm ambitious enough to bust out my yarn winder but I usually just lay it out flat while I work and am veeery careful about pulling from it so it doesn't tangle.
